The ATCH (Architecture Theory Criticism History) Research Centre invites applications for the Visiting Fellows Research Program 2015-2016. The program welcomes applications from scholars with varying levels of experience who are carrying out critical research in architecture.
ATCH is located within the School of Architecture at The University of Queensland (UQ), in Brisbane, Australia. The Centre supports innovative and interdisciplinary research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Architecture and its place within a larger history of ideas is a strong focus within the Centre. Bringing together Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows, Postgraduates and Academics from UQ’s School of Architecture, the centre offers a stimulating and rich environment for enquiry and debate. An active program of seminars, lectures, symposia, workshops and exhibitions is run throughout the year. For a full list of people and recent events visit:
The Visiting Fellows Research Program supports short term residencies of one to three months for scholars to work on innovative research on the history, theory and criticism of architecture. Projects that overlap with the work of existing ATCH scholars will be favoured. The program welcomes applicants from all levels of academia but particularly encourages proposals from new and mid-career scholars. Visiting Fellowships are not open to postgraduate students.
The Visiting Fellows Research Program will provide a return airfare to Brisbane and a workspace within the centre. All Fellows will have access to UQ libraries, including the Fryer Library and Architecture and Music Library. Support for accommodation may also be available depending on the applicant’s financial circumstances.
Visiting Fellows will be required to present their research in progress in a public lecture, participate in seminars and conferences organised during their residency, and contribute to RHD events. Published outcomes of research undertaken during the Fellowship should acknowledge ATCH and the UQ School of Architecture.
While ATCH Visiting Fellows are solicited through the application round, the Centre also directly invites Fellows to participate in the program.
Expressions of Interest should address the following items, in this order:
Name and contact details
Employment Status. Will the applicant be on sabbatical during the course of the Fellowship?
Is the project supported by other sources of funding?
Is financial assistance for accommodation requested, and if so, on what grounds.
Preferred dates and duration of Fellowship.
Title of Research Project
Research Proposal (1000 words)
Relevance to ATCH Centre, and existing members’ work
Relation of the project to the applicant’s past and future research
Intended outcomes
Names and contact details for three referees.
Additional documents required:
Curriculum Vitae
Two samples of published written work (journal articles, pieces of criticism, book chapter, chapter from a submitted PHD thesis, etc).
Applications should be submitted by email to: ( by June 1, 2015.
For additional information please contact Manager of ATCH, Dr Deborah van der Plaat:
Applications close: June 1, 2015
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Conference: Cities of a new type. Industrial Cities in Socialist Countries after 1945
International conference in Dunaújváros (21-22 Mai 2015)
The Pepper Art Projects and Jerôme Bazin, the French historian, researcher and university professor are organizing a unique international conference about the topic of “the socialist industrial cities in the former Soviet bloc countries” in the 65-year-old Dunaujvaros.
With the patronage of Gabor Cserna, the mayor of Dunaujvaros town with county rights.
Location: College of Dunaujvaros
Dunaújváros, Táncsis Mihály utca 1/A.
Thursday 21st May
9.00: welcome address by Mihály Molnár (Pepper Art Projects) and Gábor Cserna (mayor of Dunaújváros)
9.15-10.00: Jérôme Bazin (Université de Paris-Est,Créteil), Introduction.
10.00-12.20: Panel I – Soviet Know-How.
Panel chair: György Szücs (Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest).
10.00-10.20: Thomas Flierl (independent art historian, Berlin), The Soviet Discourses on Socialist Cities (socgorods) in the 1930s as a Precondition of Socialist Industrialization and Urban Planning in Eastern European Countries after 1945.
10.20-10.40: Fabien Bellat (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Versailles), Stalinist New Cities: a Misleading Model?
10.40-11.00: Olga Kazakova (Российскаяакадемияархитектуры и строительныхнаук, Moscow), Zelenograd, the Soviet Silicon Valley.
11.00-11.20: Ievgeniia Gubnika (Urban Forms Centre, Kiev), On the Edge of Imagining: Planning and Building the Last New Soviet City, Slavutych.
11.20-11.40: DagmaraJajeśniak-Quast (ViadrinaUniversität, Frankfurt/Oder), Comments
11.40-12.20: Discussion.
12.20-14.00: Lunch
14.00-16.00: Panel II – What Should a Socialist City Look Like? Architecture and Urban Planning.
Panel chair: Katalin Aknai (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest).
14.00-14.20: Lucia Almášiová and VieraDlháňová (Slovenská národná galéria, Bratislava), NováDubnica (Slovakia) – the First Ideal Socialist City.
14.20-14.40: Kimberly E. Zarecor (Iowa State University, Ames), Alternatives to the Tabula Rasa: Postwar Expansion in Czechoslovakia’s Already Existing Industrial Cities.
14.40-15.00: Árpád Végh (Moholy-Nagy Művėszeti Egyetem, Budapest), Architecture of Dunaújváros.
15.00-15.20: Andreas Ludwig (ZentrumfürZeithistorischeForschung, Potsdam), Comments.
15.20-16.00: Discussion.
16.00-18.00: Tour in Dunaújváros.
21.00: Projection of the movie Hattyúdal (Swan Song) by Márton Keleti (1963).
Place: Bartók Kamaraszínház - Kamaraterem
Friday 22nd May
9.30: welcome.
9.40-12.00 Panel III – Shaping the Working Class in the New Socialist Cities.
Panel chair: Katalin Aknai (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest).
9.40-10.00: Djurjija Borojniak (Историјскиархив, Belgrade) and Marta Vukotić Lazar (Universiteti I Prishtinës, Priština),Železnik – First Socialist City in Serbia.
10.00-10.20: Ana Kladnik (ZentrumfürZeithistorischeForschung, Potsdam), The Mining Milieu: Solidarity and Sentiments of Community in the New Socialist Cities Havířov (Czechoslovakia) and Velenje (Yugoslavia).
10.20-10.40: Oana Tiganea (Politecnico di Milano) and Liliana Iuga (Central European University, Budapest), Missing from the Map: Socialist Realism Design at Small Scale in a Secret New Town. The Case of Dr. Petru Groza Town (Romania).
10.40-11.00: Nadège Ragaru (Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris), Transnational Contention and the Fashioning of an Ever New Bulgarian City: Blagoevgrad in the 1950s-1980s.
11.00-11.20: Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg Univeristät), Comments.
11.20-12.00: Discussion.
12.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-16.00. Panel IV – Representation and Self-Representation of the New Cities.
Panel chair: Gábor Rieder (independent art historian).
14.00-14.20: Anja Jackes (Stadtmuseum, Halle), The Socialist Utopian Town Halle-Neustadt (East Germany) and the Concept of Art and Living.
14.20-14.40: Bernadeta Stano (Uniwersyt et Pedagogiczny, Kraków), Visual Artists in Nowa Huta (Poland).
14.40-15.00: Annamaria Nagy (Szent István Király Múzeum, Székesfehérvár), Brigade Diaries from Dunaferr (Dunaújváros).
15.00-15.20: Jérôme Bazin, Comments.
15.20-16.00: Discussion.
16.00-17.00: Sándor Horváth (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest), Concluding Remarks.
Organisation committee: Jérôme Bazin, Mihály Molnár, Dóra Molnár, Gábor Rieder.
Scientific board: Ulf Brunnbauer, Sándor Horváth, Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast, Katherine Lebow, Andreas Ludwig and György Szücs.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
CFP: Making Individual Memory Visible in the Public Space
Call for Papers - Making Individual Memory Visible in the Public Space
Third ISA Forum
Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July 2016
Host committee: RC38 Biography and Society
Third ISA Forum
Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July 2016
Host committee: RC38 Biography and Society
Both traditional historical and classical memory narratives were greatly determined by the recollection of the figure of the hero. National identities were built around the heroic deeds of the great man who then served as historical, social and cultural models for the particular society. Within this process of inscribing the exemplarity of heroes into collective memory the public space (through its statues, street names, memorial plaques and other memorial signs) typically played an essential role. What happens, however, when the everyday man takes over the urban space?
Both social history and qualitative sociology (especially biographical research) “discovered” the everyday men behind macro historical events: these trends cannot imagine the understanding of society without the understanding of the experiences of the individual. The proposed session intends to elaborate the relationship of individual memories and the urban space in the format of a regular session, focusing on the following questions: How does the biography of everyday man become articulated in the urban space and how does others’ biographical presentation affect its own? How do urban experiences and public representations become part of the narration of the individual’s life story? How do memories of the everyday man increasingly flood the public space (see examples commemorating everyday man such as the Stolpersteine project) and how does the individual challenge particular memorials (see vandalization of statues)? How do collective and individual processes of remembering mutually shape each other in and through the urban space?
Abstract Submission: 14 April 2015 - 30 September 2015 24:00 GMT
Anyone interested in presenting a paper should submit an abstract on-line to the session on the following link:
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Summer School: City Life: Architecture, Art & Design - Dublin
City Life: A Shared Summer School
Celebrated for its rich cultural heritage and history, Dublin is at a
crucial point of transition. Currently re-negotiating its approach to
urbanity, the city is an exemplar of many of the most critical
challenges facing the contemporary global metropolis.
In July 2015 (13th – 31st), UCD and NCAD will join forces to offer a
unique summer school programme giving students the opportunity to pursue
their disciplinary and scholarly interests through a creative and
critical engagement with the ongoing transformation of Dublin today.
Revolving around a shared focus in contemporary critical urbanism,
participants choose from one of five specialist programme tracks:

- Architecture
- Culture, Memory & The City
- Interaction Design
- Researching Urban History & Material Culture
- Spatial Arts And Visualization
- A base in Dublin’s inner city, which will be both setting for and subject of the School’s programme.
- Intensive workshops, studio sessions, plenary lectures and seminars.
- Unique access to leaders in the cultural and creative sectors, including practitioners, artists, museum directors, urban government officials, and critical thinkers.
- A three-week programme progressing from skills acquisition, studio work, and research to final projects to include exhibition, presentation, and publication.
- Accommodation in the heart of the city, minutes from the summer school’s headquarters.
Friday, April 17, 2015
PhD Scholarship - Smart Cities - King's College and IBM
A 3-year PhD scholarship of £15,000 a year for 3 years is available at
King's College, Department of Geography, jointly with IBM Smarter
Cities, Dublin.
The project title is: 'Building the Smart City: managing the interface between urban governance and Big Data'. Further details on the topic and scope are available at the link below.
Application deadline is 12.00pm BST on 01 May 2015. Short-listed candidates will be invited for interview on 24 June 2015.
See details at the following link:
The project title is: 'Building the Smart City: managing the interface between urban governance and Big Data'. Further details on the topic and scope are available at the link below.
Application deadline is 12.00pm BST on 01 May 2015. Short-listed candidates will be invited for interview on 24 June 2015.
See details at the following link:
Sunday, April 12, 2015
14.06.2015, OPEN CALL DEADLINE - [...] IN RESIDENCY-ZKU Berlin
2 - 8 Months Residencies for Scholars, Artists and Practitioners at ZKU, Berlin
ZK/U releases its new Open Call, with the following deadline: June 14th, 2015
Application Process:
Open Call conceptual frame and investigation lines:
In the context of its research and residency
program, ZK/U offers a ‘living & work’ space for artists, scholars
and practitioners working in the fields of urban research, geography,
anthropology, urbanism, architecture and the humanities.
WE NEED YOU - Urban Space Invaders: Hacking Street Furnitures
We need your support:
We're applying for a grant which will enable us to tackle the monopoly
of production of street furniture (and its economic exploitation through
advertising) and to propose new, cooperative ways of producing urban
space on a citizen level. Please support our application by your vote!
You just need to register with a fantasy name and email (nothing more)
and then support our idea! Thanks!
Here are the links:
public space
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Global, creative, ordinary? Re-imagining Berlin since 1990 in light of urban theory building - Summer school 2015
In October 2015, the 25th anniversary of German reunification will
take place. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent
reunification are not only politically and culturally important
events but also mark a crucial turning point in the urban
development of Berlin, as the city had been divided for almost 30
years. How has the city changed ever since and how has the city been
re-imagined during these turbulent times?
Berlin’s reappearance on the global urban map in 1990 occurred during an era of increasing interurban competition (McCann 2004). Both in urban policy as well as in urban theory, concepts such as the global city (Sassen 1991) or the creative city (Florida 2003; Krätke 2011) have been dominant. These concepts have become hegemonic narratives and strongly influenced how the ongoing changes in Berlin have been perceived and have been made sense of. Over the last 25 years, however, it becomes evident that Berlin’s urban changes have only partially coincided with the narratives of those times. For example, Berlin’s global city aspirations were marked by failed policies in the 1990s whereas today the city is experiencing an increasing globalization with regard to both international visitors and real estate investment.
Against this background, the Summer School aims at retracing the dominant narratives of Berlin’s post-Wall development and at reflecting how they have informed our way of looking at Berlin. By disclosing the simultaneities, fractures and inconsistencies of urban theories, we will deconstruct the assumptions about the linear development path of post-Wall Berlin and consider a more heterogeneous conceptualization of the city (such as Robinson’s (2006) ordinary city approach). As architectural theorist Charles Jencks (1996) has put it concisely: “Virtually all theories about the city are true, especially contradictory ones”.
(Ulrike Mackrodt, Geography Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
We want to invite all students who are interested in this topic to take part in our Summer School from 17th of August up to 28th of August 2015 at the GSZ, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
More information about the application is available at: details/124/

Berlin’s reappearance on the global urban map in 1990 occurred during an era of increasing interurban competition (McCann 2004). Both in urban policy as well as in urban theory, concepts such as the global city (Sassen 1991) or the creative city (Florida 2003; Krätke 2011) have been dominant. These concepts have become hegemonic narratives and strongly influenced how the ongoing changes in Berlin have been perceived and have been made sense of. Over the last 25 years, however, it becomes evident that Berlin’s urban changes have only partially coincided with the narratives of those times. For example, Berlin’s global city aspirations were marked by failed policies in the 1990s whereas today the city is experiencing an increasing globalization with regard to both international visitors and real estate investment.
Against this background, the Summer School aims at retracing the dominant narratives of Berlin’s post-Wall development and at reflecting how they have informed our way of looking at Berlin. By disclosing the simultaneities, fractures and inconsistencies of urban theories, we will deconstruct the assumptions about the linear development path of post-Wall Berlin and consider a more heterogeneous conceptualization of the city (such as Robinson’s (2006) ordinary city approach). As architectural theorist Charles Jencks (1996) has put it concisely: “Virtually all theories about the city are true, especially contradictory ones”.
(Ulrike Mackrodt, Geography Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
We want to invite all students who are interested in this topic to take part in our Summer School from 17th of August up to 28th of August 2015 at the GSZ, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
More information about the application is available at:
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