Monday, November 11, 2013

CFP: METROPOLITICS The Seventh Biennial Conference of the Urban History Association

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
October 9-12, 2014

The Urban History Association Program Committee seeks submissions for sessions on all aspects of urban, suburban, and metropolitan history. We welcome proposals for panels, roundtable discussions, and individual papers, and are receptive to alternative session formats that foster audience participation in the proceedings.

The Program Committee is pleased to announce that the University of Pennsylvania will serve as the local host for this year’s conference, which will be held on October 9-12, 2014.

We particularly encourage papers that explore the theme of Metropolitics, although submissions are not restricted to the conference theme. The year 2014 marks the beginning of a series of fiftieth anniversaries of major political events impacting cities, including the Civil Rights Act, the War on Poverty, the founding of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Voting Rights Act, the Hart-Celler Immigration Act, and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The Program Committee therefore invites papers that reflect broadly on the relationship between the state and local actors. We also seek contributions that make global comparisons and explore metropolitan politics in Latin America, Europe, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, and Africa. Sessions on ancient and pre-modern as well as modern periods are welcome. Graduate student submissions are encouraged.

We prefer complete panels but individual papers will be considered. Please designate a single person to serve as a contact for all complete panels. For traditional panels, include a brief explanation of the overall theme, a one-page abstract of each paper, and a one- or two-page c.v. for each participant. Roundtable proposals should also designate a contact person and submit a one-page theme synopsis and a one or two page c.v. for each presenter. Proposals involving alternative formats should include a brief description of how the session will be structured. All those submitting individual papers should include a one-page abstract and a one or two page c.v. E-mail submissions by March 1, 2014 to Andrew K. Sandoval Strausz at and Victoria Wolcott at Submissions should be included in attachments as Word or PDF documents.

As part of the conference the UHA will organize workshops for graduate students writing dissertations in urban and suburban history. Students who have written a prospectus and who wish to participate in a workshop should apply with a two to four page letter of interest by March 1, 2014 to

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