Wednesday, July 23, 2014

CFP: Urban Fragmentation(s)

GWZ Berlin 
16.03.2015-19.03.2015, Berlin
Deadline: 12.09.2014 

The Centers for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (GWZ) will jointly host the 3rd Borders & Identity conference (BIC) from March 16th to 19th, 2015, at the Humboldt University in Berlin (Germany). BIC2015 provides a meeting place for researchers interested in interdisciplinary approaches to exploring Urban Fragmentation(s) from linguistic, literary, sociological, and historical points of view, or a combination thereof. The conference will be organized in three parallel strands, each chaired by a corresponding GWZ-center (ZAS, Center for General Linguistics; ZfL, Center for Literary and Cultural Research; ZMO, Center for Modern Oriental Studies). 
There will be three plenary talks (speakers to be announced) - organized by the respective centers. 
-- Literature & Translation (ZfL) 
-- Language & Linguistic Creativity (ZAS) 
-- Society & Governance (ZMO) 
We invite abstracts for presentations and posters on topics including, but not limited to, the following areas listed below. Interdisciplinary submissions are highly welcome.

1. Literature & Translation (ZfL) 
Writing the city 
-- Urban soundscapes: Fragments, collages, remixes 
-- Literary interventions in urban society: Cutting across town 
-- Multilingual literatures in pluricultural cities 
-- Plural topographies in urban literatures and cultures

"The 'translation' is the message" 
-- Translating the self: Writers in exile and migration 
-- Translating the other: Appropriating foreign forms of cultural expression 
-- The role and function of cultural mediators (artists, publishers, teachers, etc.) 
-- New subjectivities 
-- Suburban subjectivities: Figurations of the self in recent post-socialist literature 
-- (Urban) cultures of affect: Fragmented memories, distorted belongings, violent riots 

2. Language & Linguistic Creativity (ZAS) 
Linguistic diversity in the city 
-- Multilingualism in the classroom 
-- Multilingual cities as loci of language contact and change
-- Migration patterns and linguistic fragmentation 

-- Linguistic creativity / Multiethnolects 
-- Language change / Language decay 
-- Language variation and social networks 

Language attitudes / Linguistic stereotypes 
-- Perceptual ethnolectology 
-- Language ideologies 
-- Linguistic expressions of style 

3. Society & Governance (ZMO) 
Negotiating diversities 
-- Cultural, ethnic, and religious fragmentation in the city 
-- Governance of plurality 
-- Spaces of interaction, spaces of fragmentation 

Contesting visions
-- Splintering urbanism in networked cities 
-- Urban contestations and violence 
-- Unifying and fragmenting visions of urbanism 
-- Fragmented authenticity of urban heritage 

Rethinking Marginalities 
-- Urban centrality and marginality: Concepts and terminologies 
-- Urban centrality and marginality: Case studies

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