In the process and in accordance with GSZ`s philosophy which explicitly strives to bring together diverse disciplinary and theoretical-conceptual perspectives. It is planned that publication proposals will be developed and implemented. It is also envisaged that a resulting expert conference should take place.
The meetings are planned to take place at regular intervals, 2-3 times a year. The kick-off meeting will be on 27th. November 2015 at the Georg-Simmel-Center and will be in the form of a workshop, in which the common agenda – depending on the specialist focus of the members – will be more precisely agreed.
Doctorial candidates and post-docs with interest in joining a qualified, professional network are cordially invited to apply by latest 9/11/2015 with a brief description of their research focus (max. 1 page) and tabular resume/ CV (please E-Mail to bueroleitung-gsz@hu-berlin.de). Currently the working group consists of 6 members (Berlin, Hamburg, Potsdam, Trier).
Should you have any further queries please contact Natalie Stors (stors@uni-trier.de) and Christoph Sommer (christoph.sommer@gsz.hu-berlin.de).
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