Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Recently published - Sharon Macdonald: Memorylands

Routledge is pleased to announce the publication of Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today from Sharon MacDonald.
More details here:

Urban Knowledge Network Asia (UKNA) - CALL FOR RESEARCHERS

The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) still has a number of short-term or medium-term postings available for academics to pursue research at selected universities and institutes in China, Hong Kong and India. The call is open specifically to post-doctoral as well as senior researchers who hold EU passports or/and who are staff members of academic institutions in the Netherlands and the EU.
Urban Knowledge Network Asia (UKNA) is funded by a grant awarded by the Marie Curie Actions "International Research Staff Exchange Scheme" (IRSES) of the European Union.

Available positions

Selection criteria
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Applications will be assessed both by IIAS as well as by the host institutes, based on their quality and their fit with the research principles of UKNA (see UKNA research themes below) and the current research interests of the host institute. Preference will be given to qualified applicants who can commence their research visits as soon as possible.

Grant Scheme
Researchers participating in UKNA receive a monthly stipend, determined by the Marie Curie Actions IRSES scheme as follows:
  • Euro 1,767/month (when travelling to Hong Kong), determined on a pro-rata daily basis
  • Euro 1,953/month (when travelling to all other destinations), determined on a pro-rata daily basis
The grant is meant to cover travel and subsistence costs, and is supposed to be in addition to the researcher's existing salary.

Eligibility Requirements
Participating researchers must possess the following:
  • An EU passport or/and an official employment contract from an academic institution in the Netherlands or elsewhere in the EU
  • A doctoral degree (minimum requirement for early stage researchers) or (in the case of senior researchers) a doctoral degree and at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience

Tasks and Deliverables
Official tasks:
  • Engage in research in the host institute
  • Disseminate some of their previous research work in the host institute, by giving lectures, directing seminars and/or other activities
  • Take part in UKNA events, such as conferences, workshops and roundtables, particularly those that deal specifically with their topic(s) of research
  • (Strongly encouraged): Attend annual UKNA roundtables, as possible
Official deliverables:
  • A pre-trip Research Plan and a post-trip Research Report outlining (planned) research activities. Please visit for the format of the Plan and Report.
  • Lecture texts and PowerPoint presentations, which will be made accessible via the program website
  • (Strongly encouraged): Attendance at workshops, seminars and roundtables
  • (Strongly encouraged): Contributions to UKNA joint publications, including in the form of: articles for peer-reviewed journals; drafts of chapters for edited volumes; articles for partner institutes' publications

Application process
Applicants should send their research proposals (in English) and proposed research start and end dates to the UKNA Secretariat at IIAS. The host institutes will evaluate proposed research dates. Research proposals should take the form of the UKNA Research Plan (please visit: A short motivation statement should accompany applications.

Contact UKNA Secretariat
For submission of applications, and for any questions, please contact the UKNA Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator, as follows:
» Dr. Paul RabĂ©, Coordinator of UKNA (
» Ir. Gien San Tan, Deputy Coordinator of UKNA (

About UKNA
UKNA is an inclusive network that brings together concerned scholars and practitioners engaged in collaborative research on cities in Asia. It seeks to influence policy by contributing insights that put people at the center of urban governance and development strategies. The emphasis is on immediate problem solving as well as on the identification of long-term, transformative processes that increase the scope for the active engagement of people in the creative production and shaping of the city. 
The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) in Leiden is one of 14 institutional partners – and the Secretariat – of the Urban Knowledge Network Asia (UKNA).

UKNA Research Themes
UKNA pursues three avenues of inquiry:
    This research theme explores competing ideas of the contemporary city from historical perspectives to illuminate the continuities and ruptures in the process of city making.
    This theme examines who are the actors and how they interact in the production, shaping, contestation and transformation of the city. It explores the relations between human flourishing and the making of urban space and form, with a particular concern for the rights of residents and users in the process.
    This theme considers the challenges of urban dwellers and users in the areas of land, housing, infrastructure, services, planning and the environment, personal well being (including livelihoods and human capital), and "life spaces" (comprising culture, urban heritage, public spaces, and associational life).

Monday, August 19, 2013

CfP: Street Justice: Activist Urban Cultures of the 21st Century

The Hague, Netherlands, April 3-6, 2014

In 1999, the “Battle in Seattle” secured a world audience for the so-called “anti-globalization” movement, as protestors at the meeting of World Trade Organization confronted city authorities. In the decade and a half since then, assemblies of immigrants, students, consumers, the poor and homeless, war-resisters, bicyclists and pedestrians, urban gardeners, organized labor, women, indigenous peoples, greens, and others have been “taking it to the streets” in cities in the US and across the world in order to raise awareness and to articulate, champion, and secure economic, social, and environmental justice. From Detroit to San Francisco, from New York to Newtown, Connecticut, the public parks and squares, the desolate spaces, the city streets, thoroughfares and highways, shopping malls, ports, churches, schools and campuses, homes and offices and derelict buildings, hotels and convention centers, city halls, and police stations have been transformed as activist groups have occupied them and aimed to contest prevailing standards of power, to articulate causes, to generate new living and social practices.

All the hetero-spaces mentioned above point to the diverse character and power potential of urban spaces. In his lecture on heterotopia in 1967, Michel Foucault places emphasis on alterity as a reaction to normality and homogeneity; Mary McLeod in 1996 in her essay “Everyday and ‘other’ spaces” critically approaches “other” spaces as “other designs” and “other uses”; Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in A Thousand Plateaus in 1980 argue that “multiplicity means to draw escape routes or ‘lines of flight’ away from closed and fixed structures or codes that restrict and constrain the movement and connectivity of thought and action”; Kenny Cupers and Markus Miessen in their Spaces of Uncertainty published in 2002 take the argumentation a step further by approaching the urban public sphere as a “model of confrontation and instability, as it is characterized by encounters and confrontations between people.” It is exactly in this kind of encounters that group dynamics and opinions can be formed and communicated, transforming urban spaces into sites of participatory action, struggle and justice, notions that constitute the thematic poles around which 2014 EAAS conference revolves.

With this workshop we will seek to examine the emergent spatial and representational practices of such activist phenomena as Occupy Wall Street, flash mobs, zombie and slut walks, LBGT “pride” celebrations, austerity protests, encampments, marches, vigils, and more by focusing on literary and cultural texts, social media initiatives, documentaries, and media artist projects. Special attention will be paid to the spatial and urban dimension of justice as well as to the involvement of new forms of media representation, literary practice, communication and dissemination of urban thought and action. We will be particularly interested in exploring how such new participatory urban practices shape emerging habitats of justice or re-constitute traditional forums and public spheres, and to what extent local and national movements across the U.S. resonate internationally.

Workshop Coordinators
Dr. Arthur Redding (Professor, York University, Canada)
Dr. Tatiani Rapatzikou (Assistant Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Please email your workshop abstracts to:

Deadline for submissions: October 1st, 2013.

Word length and requirements: One page or 500 words plus one paragraph bio.

13th Istanbul Biennial: The notion of the public domain as a political forum (14/9-10/11 2013)

The notion of the public domain as a political forum will be the focal point of the 13th Istanbul Biennial. This highly contested concept will serve as a matrix to generate ideas and develop practices that question contemporary forms of democracy, challenge current models of spatio-economic politics, problematize the given concepts of civilization and barbarity as standardized positions and languages and, above all, unfold the role of contemporary art as an agent that both makes and unmakes what is considered public.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Something fresh...Open Arts Journal

The OU are very pleased to announce the much anticipated launch this summer of the Open Arts Journal, an initiative of the Department of Art History at The Open University (UK):

The inaugural issue, spanning art, art history, literature, critical theory and cultural geography, is entitled 'Cosmopolitanism as Critical and Creative Practice' – guest edited by Eleanor Byrne and Berthold Schoene from the Manchester Metropolitan University.

Cosmopolitanism as critical and creative practice: an introduction
Eleanor Byrne and Berthold Schoene, Manchester Metropolitan University
The world on a train: global narration in Geoff Ryman’s 253
Berthold Schoene, Manchester Metropolitan University
The precarious ecologies of cosmopolitanism
Marsha Meskimmon, Loughborough University
‘How dare you rubbish my town!’: place listening as an approach to socially engaged art within UK urban regeneration contexts
Elaine Speight, Birkbeck College London
Towards a cosmopolitan criticality? Relational aesthetics, Rirkrit Tiravanija and transnational encounters with pad thai
Renate Dohmen, University of Louisiana
Parallel editing, multi-positionality and maximalism: cosmopolitan effects as explored in some art works by Melanie Jackson and Vivienne Dick
Rachel Garfield, University of Reading
Offshore cosmopolitanism: reading the nation in Rana Dasgupta’s Tokyo Cancelled, Lawrence Chua’s Gold by the Inch and Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger
Liam Connell, University of Winchester
Trick questions: cosmopolitan hospitality
Eleanor Byrne, Manchester Metropolitan University
Google paintings
John Timberlake

Monday, August 12, 2013

CfP: Protest and Power in Central and Eastern European States- Cambridge

The recent wave of protests and demonstrations that spread across and beyond Europe has renewed scholarly interest in social movements and protest: whether Coloured revolutions or Occupy movements, Otpor in Yugoslavia or Femen in Ukraine, all are indicative of a widespread feeling among postcommunist publics that contemporary politics do not reflect their interest, cannot live up to their expectations and are run by meritocratic elites. The UK Baltic Study Group looks back at issues of protest and contestation affecting Baltic states and societies over the past decade and would like to draw on interested scholars to identify and discuss existing structures of power, grass-root movements that sought to challenge them, and possible directions of change observable across postcommunist societies.
We welcome country/case studies that relate to theoretical debates on protest and power in general and issues of political contestation in postcommunism more specifically. Though we are specifically interested in comparing Baltic States with other states in the CEE and postcommunist region broadly, papers offering a comparative perspective are welcome even if they do not deal with Baltic cases specifically. Ethnic relations, socio-economic inequality and economic policies, gender issues, LGBT rights, environmental issues, are all fields of contestation worth exploring (the list is not meant to be exhaustive).We are open to a variety of themes - and interpretations - in order to ensure a well-rounded discussion around the theme of power and protest in postcommunism. Some of the questions contributors to this panel are particularly (but not exclusively) invited to investigate – in relation to one or more of the Central Eastern European States - are:
• What is the role of social movements, contestation and protest in the democratic process?
• What are the conditions of acceptability of a social movement: what is “too radical” and what is “legitimate” civil society?
• What are the institutional responses to protest and contestation and what do they reveal about the existing power structures?
Please submit your abstract of no more than 250 words by 10 September 2013, indicating your full contact details, your institutional affiliation and a brief academic biography, at UKBSG – BASEES 2014. For any questions on this panel, please contact Licia Cianetti at

CfP: Cities in Europe, Cities in the World

12th International Conference on Urban History in Lisbon, Portugal.
The sessions of the Conference will take place in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
The official languages of the conference are French and English.

EAUH 2014 welcomes presentations to conference sessions (see conference sessions)

Presentations will be arranged within the following session types:
Main Sessions (up to 8 papers);
Specialist Sessions (up to 4 papers);
Round Tables.
Paper proposal

To submit a paper proposal, registration is required (here). If you have already create an account in this website, please log in (here) and add a new submission.

A paper proposal for presentation at the conference should be submitted in the form of an abstract only (not to exceed 300 words).

Start of paper proposals submission: May 15, 2013
Deadline for paper proposals submission: October 15, 2013
Notification of paper acceptance: December 15, 2013

Important: Paper proposals and full texts can only by submitted online, via the EAUH2014 website. If sent by post or email will not be accepted.
Paper submission

The authors of the paper proposals that have been accepted by the session organisers will be invited to submit the full text (appr.7-14 pages), for inclusion on the USB stick distributed to all the participants of the conference.

Deadline for full text submissions: July 1, 2014

Sunday, August 11, 2013

CfP: The Future of Cities

The Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities invites submissions for this year’s Future of Cities Early Career Scholars workshop. The workshop will take place on the 23 October as part of the international symposium 'The Flexible City' that will gather more than 35 key scholars and practitioners.

The workshop is aimed at a selected number of early career academics working in the field of urban studies, especially at postdoc and junior faculty levels. The Programme will also consider abstracts from outstanding PhD students in their final year. Papers should match one or more of the four core research themes of the Programme’s ‘Flexible City’ agenda (see below), engage with original research geared towards discussing the future of cities and the contemporary challenges faced by urban dwellers.

The workshop provides a unique opportunity to engage with peers and more senior colleagues to discuss innovative urban research and the challenges of careers in urban studies. Workshop participants will then be invited to join the following two-day symposium, on 24 and 25 October at St Anne’s College, University of Oxford. The Programme will support accommodation and meals throughout the whole event.
Please submit by 31 August 2013 via email to a 250-word abstract and a brief 100-word biographical note including up to two of your most recent publications. Results will be announced by 15 September 2013.
For more information on the Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities see:

For more information on the two-day symposium see: